
Services & Pricing

At Function First we understand that every one is different and requires a treatment plan that is unique for them, contact us today for a consultation or take a look at our list of services.

At Function First we offer many services including:


Sports Massage

Sports Therapy

Movement Education

Kinesiology Taping


Postural Assessment

Post Surgery Rehab

Sport Specific Return

Common conditions that we treat every day:

Strains & muscle issues

Sports injuries

Low back pain

Neck pain


Knee pain

Arthritic conditions

Tennis & golfer’s elbow

Hip pain

Shoulder pain

Ankle & foot pain

Nerve pain


At Function First we think you should have a say in your care. Start by choosing an appointment length appropriate for you. If you would like to discuss your case please get in touch.

Book Session

Initial Appointment

£70 (Approx 45 mins)
£80 (with Shockwave) 

No need to diagnose yourself..... we have a whole host of therapeutic disciplines at our fingertips, ensuring you get the right treatment for rapid recovery. This assessment is suitable for people with a relatively straight forward problem that does not have a long and complex history.

Detailed Assessment

£100 (Approx 60 mins)
£110  (With Shockwave)

Recommended for those with a complex or longstanding problem. Also advised if you have more than one problem which you would like treated.


Following your assessment we will tell you what length of follow up appointment we think you should be on. However you are in charge and you can book a session length that suits your diary and budget. We would never book a return appointment for you unless you would benefit from it.

Book Session

Quick Appointment

£35 (20 mins)

In a rush? No problem, we can be done in twenty! Recommended for patients that need maintenance care only. Patients must have had an initial appointment beforehand.

Detailed Appointment

£100 (45 mins)

£110 (with Shockwave Therapy) 

Aimed at patients with a slightly more complex issue requiring more than 30minutes.

Shockwave Appointment

£70 (30 mins)

This is for individuals requiring shockwave therapy. We will have seen you for an initial appointment and decided this is the best modality for your care. 

Follow Up Appointment

£65 (30 mins)

Aimed at patients whom have a straight forward single injury, require a follow up or need some reassurance. Patients choosing this option will need to have had an initial appointment beforehand.

Gym Based Rehabilitation

Initial Appointment £65 (60 mins)

This is for patients who have had an initial rehabilitation appoinment already and a plan has been agreed.

Gym Based Rehabilitation

Follow Up  £35 (30 mins)

This is for patients who have had an initial rehabilitation appoinment already and a plan has been agreed. 

Gym Based Rehabilitation

Follow Up £65 (60 mins)

This is for patients who have had an initial rehabilitation appoinment already and a plan has been agreed but need a longer session

Health Services


Here at Function First we are always looking at ways to help our patients reach their best. The following can be added on to any treatment or book on their own. 

Book Session

B12 Injection

Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that is required for proper red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis. The amount of vitamin B12 your body needs depends on your age. Most people can get enough vitamin B12 in foods they eat already, such as fish, meat poultry, eggs, dairy products, and foods that are fortified with B12 (like some breakfast cereals). However, according to the National Institutes of Health, upwards of 15% of people are deficient in vitamin B12—and some studies indicate that number may be higher. £35 per injection.

B12 can help:

  • -Increase energy levels and combat fatigue
  • -Speed up metabolism
  • -Help improve sleep patterns
  • -Increase concentration
  • -Improve mood
  • -Boost the immune system
  • -Help with weight loss
  • -Possibly help with hair growth or stop hair loss

Add one to your treatment or book in today £35 per shot

InBody Scan Report

The Modern Assessment of Health

When you’re thinking of losing weight or simply want to see how healthy you are, you probably do one of two things: step on a scale or calculate your BMI. But the truth is, these methods don’t tell you anything about how healthy you are– all weight and BMI does is compare how heavy you are to a standard that doesn’t fit your individual goals.

When you’re trying to get healthier, you’re most likely going tolose fat and (hopefully) gain muscle. But BMI and weight don’t differentiate between muscle and fat. So how can you? Through body composition analysis.

Body composition analysis is a method of describing what the body is made of, differentiating between fat, protein, minerals, and body water to give you a snapshot of your health. InBody is in the business of body composition analysis, and we’re here to teach you the importance of it today’s day and age to help you reach your health goals from the inside out.

Add you your treatment today or pop in for a Scan £25

Sports Massage

Sports massage is a deep tissue treatment aimed at restoring normal muscle length, tone and balance. It is used in the sporting environment both as an injury prevention tool and to aid recovery. We use a range of manual therapy techniques, hot stones and instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation to make your muscles feel brand new.

Book Session

£30 for 30 mins

Need to rush? No problem, we can get you sorted in 30.

£52 for 60 mins

Got more time? Great we can work just that bit longer on your recovery.

£75 for 90 mins

Got even more time? Great we can work just that bit longer on your recovery.

We're based in Cardiff Bay at Ice Arena Wales