How we treat

We understand that every one is different and requires a treatment plan that is unique for them, contact us today for a consultation

How we treat

At the Sports Injury Clinic we understand that every one is different and requires a treatment plan that is unique for them.

But regardless of your complaint we serve three main aims with every patient that walks through our doors.

Book a Session

Less pain

Who doesn't want that? We achieve this by first assessing you, and then treating you in the same appointment. The consultation will involve a discussion of your symptoms and personal goals followed by a physical assessment.

Better movement

Form and mobility is so important! During the examination, you will be assessed by checking your posture, joint range of movement, muscle tone, length and strength and, depending on your symptoms, may check your reflexes and sensation.

Understand why

Becuase you will never forget once you know. On completion of your assessment you will be given you a clear diagnosis, prognosis and discuss an appropriate treatment plan, which will start straight away.

Once we have assessed your injury if further treatment is necessary we will advise you on what appointments we feel will benefit you, although it is an individual choice as to what you choose.

We're based in Cardiff Bay